Ayurvedic Bodywork Packages

You may select 90 minute or 120 minute Abhyanga (Ayurvedic massage) Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


4 handed Abhyanga - 120 minutes

Abhyanga is a unique form of massage, originating in Ayurvedic Medicine. It gives tremendous benefits to the mind, body, skin and immune system. This treatment is performed by two practitioners and involves copious amounts of healing herbal oils with a unique massage sequence that relaxes and softens the tissues.  Using rhythmic, synchronized strokes that pacify the wandering mind, the oil is applied to the entire body from head to toe. The result has your skin glowing and lustrous, your whole body deeply nourished, and your mind peaceful and free from stress. The sanskrit word for oil, Sneha, also means love. Saturate your whole body with Love.


Take your time after the treatment to integrate back into your body while you nourish yourself with Ayurvedic refreshments.


4 handed Abhyanga - 90 minutes

Abhyanga is a unique form of massage, originating in Ayurvedic Medicine. It gives tremendous benefits to the mind, body, skin and immune system. This treatment is performed by two practitioners and involves copious amounts of healing herbal oils with a unique massage sequence that relaxes and softens the tissues. Using rhythmic, synchronized strokes that pacify the wandering mind, the oil is applied to the entire body from head to toe. The result has your skin glowing and lustrous, your whole body deeply nourished, and your mind peaceful and free from stress. The sanskrit word for oil, Sneha, also means love. Saturate your whole body with Love.


Take your time after the treatment to integrate back into your body while you nourish yourself with Ayurvedic refreshments.