Choose your Treatment

You may select Abhyanga (Ayurvedic massage) or combine the Abhyanga with an additional treatment. Choose from the following list of Ayurvedic treatments to enhance your healing experience.   Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.



The hallmark of anti-aging skin treatments. Abhyanga is a unique form of massage, originating in Ayurvedic Medicine. It gives tremedous benefits to the mind, body, skin and immune system. The treatment involves copious amounts of oil and a unique two therapist sequence that relaxes and softens the tissues. The sanskrit word for oil , Sneha, also means love. Saturate your whole body  with Love.

90 minutes     cost: $265 ($100 deposit required to reserve your space)


Abhyanga & Shirodhara 

A warm and consistent flow of aromatic oils on the forehead, specifically on the “third eye.” This is the chakra point just above and between the eyebrows and is said to be the seat of human consciousness. The oils flow over the scalp and through the hair, creating a blissful sensation.  Emotions like fear, anxiety, anger, or irritability, dissolve into an ocean of calm. Your mind is lulled into a state of serenity and some people even experience a state of expanded consciousness.

2 hours     cost:  $340 ($100 deposit required to reserve your space)

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Abhyanga & Netra Basti (Nourishing Eye Treatment)

A restortative & preventative eye treatmemt in which each eye bathes one at a time in a pool of warm ghee (clarified butter). Benefits: relieves tension in and around the eyes and smoothes away wrinkles, balances vata, lubricates dry, itchy eyes.  May improve vision.  Your eyes will be in heaven!!! This treatment is deeply calming to the nervous system.

 2 hours     cost: $340 ($100 deposit required to reserve your space)


Abhyanga & Heart Basti

Lighten the heaviness in your heart. To nourish and strengthen the heart chakra, rose & saffron infused warmed ghee is contained directly over the heart. Strengthens cardiac muscles and rejuvenates the respiratory system. Relieves deep seated grief.

2 hours     cost: $320 ($100 deposit required to reserve your space)

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Abhyanga & Spinal Basti

Warmed Mahanarayan Oil (a potent combinantion of over 100 Ayurvedic herbs) is contained over the spine in segments. Especially helpful for back pain and stiffness by restoring lubrication to the joints. Also very good for treating anxiety and stress.

2 hours     cost: $320 ($100 deposit required to reserve your space)